March 2008 (13 photos)

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43051 - Viewed 1647 times
43051 rolls into Newcastle on the front of 1E12 07:55 Inverness - Lond...
56303 - Viewed 1770 times
56303 departs Newcastle for Morpeth before returning to Newcastle via ...
Backworth - Viewed 1457 times
The Blyth and Tyne line at Backworth.
56303 - Viewed 1707 times
56303 approaches Holywell crossing at Backworth with Pathfinder\'s Cho...
56303 - Viewed 2183 times
56303 approaches Holywell crossing at Backworth with Pathfinder\'s Cho...
60009 - Viewed 1675 times
60009 pauses at Newcastle with The Heart Of Midlothian railtour from E...
60009 - Viewed 1627 times
60009 departs Newcastle with The Heart Of Midlothian railtour from Edi...
66430+66415 - Viewed 1672 times
66430 and 66415 pass the site of Hart station on the Durham Coast with...
Hart to Haswell Railway - Viewed 1614 times
The former Hart to Haswell railway which was built in 1835 and was the...
Grand Central - Viewed 1615 times
A Grand Central HST passes the site of Hart station on the Durham Coas...
82216 - Viewed 1652 times
82216 speeds past Hawkhill in Northumberland with 1A42 1515 Edinburgh ...
Warning - Viewed 1510 times
A warning sign at a foot crossing at Hawkhill in Northumberland as 1S1...
47802+47501 - Viewed 2057 times
47802 and 47501 pass Hawkhill in Northumberland with Stobart Rail Tour...