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47810 and 47501 pass Browney with a DRS boat train from Southampton Do...
37059 and 47501 roll past Norwood Junction on a dull October afternoon...
47802 and 47501 pass Hawkhill in Northumberland with Stobart Rail Tour...
66411 leads 66405 through Stocksfield with the return leg of a DRS cha...
47501 stands at Newcastle on the rear of 1Z67 16:27 Newcastle to Carli...
47575 stands at Bury having arrived with the last train of the day fro...
47575 passes Walmersley missing a break in the clouds literally by sec...
47402 makes a claggy departure from Heywood on its way back to Bury to...
47501 and 47802 pass the Metro Centre on a grim November afternoon wit...
D5600 and 47402 stand on Bury depot. 47402 had been started because fo...
47841 hauls 47643, 26024 and 27001 through Morpeth returning to Bo'nes...