66121 comes to a stand at Potland Burn to allow the driver to operate
66953 pulls into Durham loop with a southbound coal working
66143 heads south past Browney with a rake of HTA wagons
66716 crosses Artengill Viaduct on the approach to Dent with a northbo
66167 passes Tyne Green near Hexham with 6E55 Shap to Tees Yard empty
A coal train stands in Carlisle station to allow a Virgin Pendolino to
66166 approaches Newcastle with a rake of HAA wagons.
66087 crosses Garsdale Viaduct with a northbound rake of HTA wagons.
66178 approaches Ais Gill summit with 6E85 Hunterston to Gascoigne Woo
66013 crosses Garsdale Viaduct while heading south with a rake of load
66529 approaches Haydon Bridge with a westbound coal service.
66092 passes through Newcastle with a northbound coal train.
66169 approaches Durham with a southbound coal train.
66102 passes Manors with a northbound coal train.
66110 passes through Newcastle with a northbound coal train.
66554 approaches Carlisle with a northbound coal working.