57601 stands at Edinburgh Waverley prior to departing with the Royal S
170427 departs Inverkeithing for Edinburgh.
158729 departs Edinburgh Waverley with a Scotrail service towards Fife
67001 stands at Edinburgh Waverley.
90026 departs Edinburgh Waverley with a Scotrail service to North Berw
334026 stands at Glasgow Central.
A GNER service speeds south through Drem bound for London.
82132 and 90026 approaches Drem bound for North Berwick.
90029 approaches Drem with a service from North Berwick to Edinburgh.
An unidentified GNER service speeds north through Drem towards Edinbur
90029 departs Drem bound for North Berwick.
90033 sits at Edinburgh Waverley between duties.
67018 sits at Edinburgh Waverley on Thunderbird duty.
37401 makes its way south down the West Highland Line near Rannoch wit
37401 stands at Fort William ready to work the Scotrail Sleeper servic
Lever frame at Ardlui on the West Highland Line.
156492 stands at Ardlui on the West Highland Line during a prolonged s
Stop sign at Ardlui on the West Highland Line.
156492 stands at Ardlui on the West Highland Line during a prolonged s