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156445 passes Norwood Junction with 1S74 1322 Newcastle - Glasgow Cent...
90035 stands at Newcastle with the northbound lowland sleeper (1S26 Eu...
156458 passing through Carlisle en-route to Scotland having receiving ...
158729 departs Edinburgh Waverley with a Scotrail service towards Fife...
90026 departs Edinburgh Waverley with a Scotrail service to North Berw...
37401 makes its way south down the West Highland Line near Rannoch wit...
37401 stands at Fort William ready to work the Scotrail Sleeper servic...
156492 stands at Ardlui on the West Highland Line during a prolonged s...
156492 stands at Ardlui on the West Highland Line during a prolonged s...
90033 stands at London Euston having brought in the ECS for the lowlan...